Well maybe not as happy as it could be. All restaurants and bars are shutdown here in New York. The Saint Patrick's day parade was postponed last weekend, but hopefully people are taking this seriously now. According to what we are reading in the news we are 10 days behind Italy in the outbreak of COVID-19 here in the United States. Based on that and what is happening here in Rochester I wonder if we will be able to "flatten the curve". It seems like people are taking this seriously, but then again while out for a walk around the neighborhood we noticed that some people had not problem brushing past us or being close in proximity. This is what worries me is that we aren't even a full 14 days into this here, which is the supposed amount of time that it takes to show symptoms, if you show symptoms. So that means we could be looking at early April before we see these even start to peak. Already we are starting to see exponential growth in the news reports in our area, so we have to start thinking how this is going to affect us in the long term.
Oh well I guess that's enough of that for now. In other news I decided to make some use of my afternoons here by either cooking or working on my Apiary equipment that I need for the upcoming season. Yesterday I got two hives out of storage and made a quick punch list of things that I still need to do. I should be ready and am hoping that I can spend a little time out in the field this week as the weather is supposed to be nice for two days. Today I am thinking that I will start a sourdough bread starter from scratch. No reason not to I have some time and hopefully a big enough jar. I figure I could start making my own bread and not have to go shopping for it over the coming weeks. Have to see how that works out.
Lastly I have my seedling starters in the basement that I can work on. I need to move them to planters in the coming days. Just going to see how they look today and make a decision. It should be a decent season I am already seeing my garlic pop in the raised bed outside so I am hoping that it makes it through the season. The seedlings are mostly lavender this year with a few tomatoes which I am going to send out to my brothers at this time. So I am going to be able to stay busy, I just have to stay healthy too.