Yesterday was somewhat uneventful. We worked around the house and I am lining up things to do that I haven't tackled yet because they tend to be boring and time consuming. For example I wanted to wipe a few of the hard drives that I have around. So I figured right now was a good time to do that. My plan is to get up daily around 6:30 and work on school work between 8 and 11 this will keep me sane and give me something to do.
Kat had to go to work today, which is a little concerning. I am hoping she is keeping her distance between people. Thinking we can start our 14 day count after she gets home. If anything I just want to pick up some coffee and milk so we have those going forward. I plan on reading and doing some beekeeping things over the weeks to keep me motivated. I know that all I want to do is create a sense of normalcy, and not simply binge watch TV. I know that isn't good for me.
Well back to school work, and hoping this ends sooner than later. I really am concerned for people in the service industry and don't think I am going to make any online orders in the coming weeks as much as I want to...