So it has been about a year since I have been in my house. So what have I done since then? Well according to Kat NOTHING! Though I do debate that fact.
Of course we have the wireless and wired installed, which to me is important. I have painted the kitchen, the living room and my office. Installed crown molding in the living room. Put up a motion detecting light on the garage. Put in a new gas line for a gas dryer, and haven't blown anything up yet!
Paid to have the floors finish coated with polyurethane. Had a high efficiency boiler installed, and have it ready for a tankless hot water heater.
Got a new bed, a new desk, and office organizer. So I feel like I am doing pretty good on this front.
So what next?
These are a few of the things I want to do, though I have a longer list at home. I will have to start posting pictures as I move forward.